Monday, 31 March 2014

Don't Make These 3 Mistakes Getting Your Ex Girlfriend Back

As a guy having just experienced a relationship break up, you might be wondering how to get your ex to come back to you. Unfortunately it is a fact that most guys have absolutely no idea how to do this. If you are clueless as to what steps to take why not learn from the mistakes made by others.

Below are three tips that can get you started. Of course there are more tips and tricks to getting your ex back and you should do your research.
  1. One mistake many guys make is not waiting for things to quiet down after breaking up. By that I mean tempers may have flared and neither of you may be thinking straight at this time, there could be a lot of anger built up. If you're trying to contact your ex by way of texting or calling during the days after breaking up you are making it worse for yourself. I know you keep thinking about her but you just have to let it go for now.

    If she broke up with you, she may be trying to confirm to herself why she did it. Doing this she may make you the bad guy so she can justify her reasons for breaking up. That would be one reason why you should not contact her now. In fact it would be best to wait at least a couple weeks. If you call too soon she might label you as being pathetic and make it more difficult to succeed in getting her back.

  2. Another mistake guys can make is using social media to talk about their ex. Don't do it, if she does not personally see it you can bet someone she knows will and let her know. Her friends will side with her reassuring her she did the right thing breaking up with you. Do not make your job of getting her back any harder on yourself. Remember no contact for at least a couple weeks.

  3. A lot of guys do not understand why the break up even happened. If you do not know what caused it how will you be able to fix it? Take a step back and look at what happened, you may have to go back months or years depending on how long you have been together. Be honest with yourself, if you are at fault take the responsibility for it and fix whatever it was. This is important especially if you get back together as you do not want to repeat your mistakes.
Keep these three tips in mind when you make your decision to get your ex girlfriend back. There is no guarantee that anyone can get their girlfriend back, but if you are determined then make sure you do the right things to help you succeed.